Saturday, February 16, 2008

Oh bother.

Maybe I'm just a huge cranky bitch, but food blogs have been annoying the piss out of me lately. I don't have much to say about it that isn't petty, so I won't say anything specific. Just, you know, I'd rather write things I'm proud of infrequently than write asinine, cutesy bullshit every day in order to remain...what, surely not relevant? Or timely? Just active? Or something? Let's just say a lot of blogs I used to respect have become 99% filler fluff crap over the past couple months.

In other news, Monday's my last day of office work and it's back to the kitchen for me February 27th. Expect an increased sense of entitlement.

PS Enough with the goddamn bacon worship.

(Thanks for putting up with me.)

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